Last Update: Sunday, March 09, 2025
Hosted by USAF PJ Association


“It is my duty, as a member of the Air Rescue Service,
to save life and to aid the injured.
I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned
duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties
before personal desires and comforts.
These things I do that others may live.”


Site Mission:
Provide Pararescue History


Silver Star Recipients



  The Silver Star is the third highest military award for heroism. The Silver Star may be awarded to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the Armed Forces of the United States, is cited for gallantry in action; (1) against an enemy of the United States; (2) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or, (3) while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. The Silver Star is awarded when the heroic actions fall just short of warranting the Air Force Cross.


PJ Medal's Trivia - At least 79 PJs were awarded the Silver Star. Three PJ's were recipients of both a Silver Star and an Air Force Cross (King, Hackney and McGrath). Five PJs received three Silver Stars (Cormier, Lester, Locker, Morrow, and Young) and ten PJ's received two Silver Stars (Avery, Curtis, Eldridge, Fisk, McComb, McQuoid, Musnicki, Pleiman, Stanaland, and Williamson). One father and son were each awarded a Silver Star (Dave & Steve Rhody).

During the Vietnam War, hundreds of Airman's Medals, Distinguished Flying Crosses, Silver Stars, Air Force Crosses, and one Medal of Honor were awarded to Pararescuemen. This elite group of men were one of the most heavily decorated, if not the most decorated, groups of enlisted Air Force men in the history of that war. This is an extraordinary number considering that no more than seventy-five Pararescuemen served at any one time in Vietnam or Thailand.

Since the Vietnam War, two PJs have been awarded the Air Force Cross and two others the Silver Star. The Air Force Cross recipients were Timothy A. Wilkinson for action in Somalia and Jason Cunningham for action in Afghanistan. The Silver Star recipients were  Scott Fales for action in Somalia and Keary Miller for action in Afghanistan. The tradition of heroism continues with this band of brothers known as PJs. All of them certainly have lived up to their motto "That Other's May Live."

The below list has the majority of Pararescue recipients but some may be missing . In addition to the certified names on this site, we are trying to identify and verify others. The below list is of verified  awardees. If you click on their name, you will view a copy of the narrative of their award.  If you have the narratives for any of these individuals; or, if you know of any other PJs awarded the Silver Star, contact me at

The same is true if you have newspaper articles or other published media concerning an individuals award.

Recipients name is followed by the date of the SAR mission and the location where it happened. Most names are hyperlinked to the citation for the award or a news article concerning the award.

LEIF E. ARVIDSON - 11 December 1968 - Vietnam
ALLEN J. AVERY - 5 October 1968 - Vietnam
ALLEN J. AVERY - 6 April 1972 - Vietnam
THOMAS J. BATESON - 15 May 1975 - Cambodia  Mayaguez SAR
DAVID R. BERRIO - 24 November 1967 - Vietnam
ROBERT L. BERRY, JR - 22 April 1966 - Vietnam
MARVIN F. BRENAMAN - 17 May 1965 - Vietnam  (Orders -Narrative not available) (news article)
WILLIAM D. BRINSON - 13 April 1972 -  Vietnam
KENNETH W. CAKEBREAD - 13 April 1972   - Vietnam
KENNETH W. CAKEBREAD - 2 June 1972   - Vietnam
STEPHEN L. CALDWELL, 20 December 1972   - Vietnam
JOHN R. CARLSON - 27 December 1972 - Vietnam
EARNEST D. CASBEER - 5 Oct68 - Vietnam  (Narrative not available)  Mission Report
WILLIAM J. CENNA - 23 April 20011 (Afghanistan)
LONNIE G. CONNER - 11 December 1968 - Vietnam
ARTHUR CORMIER - 6 November 1965 - Vietnam
ARTHUR CORMIER - May 1966 to July 1966 - Vietnam
ARTHUR CORMIER - 1 October 1967 to 7 October 1967 - Vietnam
MICHAEL A CURTIS - 26 February 1971 - Vietnam
MICHAEL A. CURTIS - 13 March 1971 - Vietnam
JOHN J. DAGNEAU - 10 May 1966 - Vietnam
LUTHER E. DAVIS - 11 June 1967 - Vietnam
DAVID M. DAVISON - 5 December 1969 - Vietnam
MICHAEL F. DEAN - 30 June 1970 - Vietnam
MICHAEL R. DONEGAN - 20 July 1965, Vietnam (Narrative not available)  News Article
JOHN J. ELDRIDGE - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
JOHN J. ELDRIDGE - 15 May 1975 - Cambodia  Mayaguez SAR
SCOTT C. FALES - 3 October 1993 (Somalia)
AARON D. FARRIOR - 5 October 1966 - Vietnam
PAUL E. FATKA - 31 January 1969 - Vietnam
GAVIN S. FISHER - 11&12 August 2018 (Afghanistan)  News Article
WAYNE L. FISK - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam
WAYNE L. FISK - 15 May 1975 - Cambodia  Mayaguez SAR
DANIEL E. GALDE - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
GEORGE P. GONZALES - 10 December 1972 - Vietnam
DONALD H. GOODLETT, JR. - 2 June 1972 - Vietnam
DUANE D. HACKNEY - 15 July 1967 - Vietnam
CORY A. HAGGETT - 28 January 2017 (Yemen)  News Article
CHARLES K. HANSON - 12 February 1967 - Vietnam
ROBERT L. HARRIS - 17 May 1969 - Vietnam
HAROLD W. HARVEY - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam    News Article
TED R. HAWKINS - 23 August 1967 - Vietnam
BARRY D. HEBERT - 26 October 1968 - Vietnam
RYAN P. HIGGINS - 21 August 2019 (Afghanistan)
RICKY D. HINDMAN - 9 June 1968 - Vietnam
JON K. HOBERG - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
GEORGE E. HUNT - 22 April 1966 - Vietnam
CHARLES R. INGULLI JR. - 20 March 1968 - Vietnam    Article
PAUL L. JENKINS - 30 June 1970 - Vietnam
ROBERT W. JONES - 27 December 1972- Vietnam
LEROY W. KELSAY, JR.19 February 1966 - Vietnam
CHARLES D. KING - 17 September 1968 - Vietnam
ROGER A. KLENOVICH - 30 March 1968 - Vietnam
ZACHARY A. KLINE - 23 April 2011 (Afghanistan)     Article
DENNIS J. KRAFT - 18 May 1966  - Vietnam
HARRY M. KRAUSE - 1 June 1968 - Vietnam
WILLIAM E. LESTER - 12 November 1969 - Vietnam
WILLIAM E. LESTER - 21 March 1970 - Vietnam
WILLIAM E. LESTER - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
JAMES D. LOCKER - 14 March 1968 - Vietnam
JAMES D. LOCKER - 4 May 1968 - Vietnam
JAMES D. LOCKER - 9 June 1968 - Vietnam
BRAD E. MARX - 15 May 1975 - Cambodia  Mayaguez SAR
ANTHONY J. MARZILLI - 8 & 9 March 2020 (Classified Location)
RANDY S. MCCOMB - 18 July 1967 - Vietnam
RANDY S. MCCOMB - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
ANGUS C. MCDOUGALL - 20 February 1968 - Vietnam
ANTHONY J. MCFARR - 6 October 1969 - Vietnam
CHARLES D. MCGRATH - 27 April 1972 - Vietnam
CHARLES B. MCQUOID II - 2 June 1972 - Vietnam
CHARLES B. MCQUOID II - 26 August 1972 - Vietnam
KEARY J. MILLER - 4 March 2002 (Afghanistan)
JOHN A. MOORE - 2 March 1965 - Vietnam
CHARLES D. MORROW - 27 April 1972 - Vietnam      Article
CHARLES D. MORROW - 27 June 1972 - Vietnam
CHARLES D. MORROW - 11 February 1972 - Vietnam
KENNETH J. MUSNICKI - 27 June 1972 - Vietnam
KENNETH J. MUSNICKI - 18 November 1972 - Vietnam
EUGENE L. NARDI - 26 February 1971 - Vietnam
STEVE M. NORTHERN - 15 July 1967 - Vietnam
STEVE M. NORTHERN - 23 August 1967 - Vietnam
STEVE M. NORTHERN - 20 July 1968 - Vietnam
JOHN D. NUSBAUM - 5 October 1968 - Vietnam
GARY T. OSBORNE - 15 April 1970 - Vietnam
DENNIS C. PALMER - 11 May 1969 - Vietnam
WILLIAM R. PEARSON - 6 April 1972 - Vietnam
PAUL C. PERRY - 2 March 1972 - Vietnam
JOHN PIGHINI - 3 July 1967 - Vietnam
JAMES E. PLEIMAN - 1 November 1965 - Vietnam
JAMES E. PLEIMAN - 14 March 1966 - Vietnam
ROGER J. POWELL - 11 September 2018 (Classified Location)
PHILEMON S. RESOS - 8 May 1967 - Vietnam
DAVID D. RHODY - 28 February 1969 - Vietnam
STEVEN C. RHODY - 13 March 1971 - Vietnam
JOHNNY L. RIDDICK - 21 Mar 1970 - Vietnam
MARTIN E. ROEPSTORFF - 6 March 1968 - Vietnam
JAMES J. ROGERS - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
CHARLES F. SALOME - 20 December 1972 - Vietnam
GEORGE E. SCHIPPER - 8 November 1965 - Vietnam
JAMES D. SCOTT - 26 July 1970 - Vietnam
DAVID W. SLIGER - 16 February 1967 - Vietnam
CHARLEY D. SMITH - 28 July 1967 - Vietnam
JULES C. SMITH - 28 April 1970 - Vietnam
LELAND H. SORENSEN - 18 January 1969 - Vietnam
JAMES SOUZA - 16 November 1966 - Vietnam
ANGUS W. SOWELL - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
ROGER D. SPARKS 14 November 2010 (Afghanistan)   News Article
JONES L. STAMEY JR. - 11 December 1968 - Vietnam
JOSEPH S. STANALAND - 12 December 1970 - Vietnam
JOSEPH S. STANALAND - 15 May 1975 - Vietnam
ALLEN R. STANEK - 28 October 1966 - Vietnam
JOHN H. STEMPLE - 8 November 1967 - Vietnam
JOHN W. STEPHENS - 21 December 1972 - Vietnam
JOSHUA A. SWARTZ - 8 April 2003 (Iraq)
DANIEL C.L. SWENSEN - 13 & 14 September 2019 (Afghanistan)  News Article
MAURICE F. TASKER, 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
ROY A. TAYLOR - 11 November 1967- Vietnam
GORDON C. THAYER - 25 August 1966 - Vietnam
JOHN F. TOBEY - 8 May 1967 - Vietnam
MICHAEL D. VOGELE - 11 February 1972 - Vietnam
RICHARD A. WALLACE - 17 May 1965 - Vietnam  (Orders - Narrative not available) News Article
ROBERT J. WARD - 20 October 1966 - Vietnam
LAWRENCE WELLINGTON - 21 November 1970 - Vietnam Son Tay Raid
DAVID J. WHEELER - 9 March 1966 - Vietnam
STEPHEN T. WHITE - 20 October 1968 - Vietnam
DENNIS C. WILLIAMSON - 2 June 1972 - Vietnam
ROBERT B. WILLIAMSON - 22 May 1966 - Vietnam
ROBERT B. WILLIAMSON - 5 October 1966 - Vietnam
EDWARD M. WILLIS - 8 October 1969 - Vietnam
JON H. YOUNG - 2 March 1965 - Vietnam
JON H. YOUNG - 2 March 1972 - Vietnam
JON H. YOUNG - 10 December 1972 - Vietnam


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