Last Update: Friday, January 31, 2025
Hosted by USAF PJ Association


“It is my duty, as a member of the Air Rescue Service,
to save life and to aid the injured.
I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned
duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties
before personal desires and comforts.
These things I do that others may live.”


Site Mission:
Provide Pararescue History



Medal of Honor Recipient


  The Medal of Honor is the nations highest military award for heroism. Only one PJ has been awarded this medal.

Pararescueman Airman First Class William H. Pitsenbarger was submitted in 1966 for the Medal of Honor. That submission was downgraded to the Air Force Cross. In December 2000, that award was upgraded to the Medal of Honor.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty during a Combat Search and Rescue Mission during the Vietnam War.


Citation to accompany the award of the Medal of Honor to Airman First Class William H. Pitsenbarger
Airman First Class Pitsenbarger distinguished himself by extreme valor on 11 April 1966 near Cam My, Republic of Vietnam, while assigned as a Pararescue Crew Member, Detachment 6, 38th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron.  On that date, Airman Pitsenbarger was aboard a rescue helicopter responding to a call for evacuation of casualties incurred in an on-going firefight between elements of the United States Army's 1st  Infantry Division and a sizable enemy force approximately 35 miles east of Saigon.  With complete disregard for personal safety, Airman Pitsenbarger volunteered to ride a hoist more than one hundred feet through the jungle, to the ground.  On the ground, he organized and coordinated rescue efforts, cared for the wounded, prepared casualties for evacuation, and insured that the recovery operation continued in a smooth and orderly fashion.  Through his personal efforts, the evacuation of the wounded was greatly expedited.  As each of the nine casualties evacuated that day were recovered, Pitsenbarger refused evacuation in order to get one more wounded soldier to safety.   After several pick-ups, one of the two rescue helicopters involved in the evacuation was struck by heavy enemy ground fire and was forced to leave the scene for an emergency landing.  Airman Pitsenbarger stayed behind, on the ground, to perform medical duties.  Shortly thereafter, the area came under sniper and mortar fire.   During a subsequent attempt to evacuate the site, American forces came under heavy assault by a large Viet Cong force.  When the enemy launched the assault, the evacuation was called off and Airman Pitsenbarger took up arms with the besieged infantrymen.  He courageously resisted the enemy, braving intense gunfire to gather and distribute vital ammunition to American defenders.  As the battle raged on, he repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire to care for the wounded, pull them out of the line of fire, and return fire whenever he could, during which time, he was wounded three times.  Despite his wounds, he valiantly fought on, simultaneously treating as many wounded as possible.  In the vicious fighting which followed, the American forces suffered 80 percent casualties as their perimeter was breached, and airman Pitsenbarger was finally fatally wounded.  Airman Pitsenbarger exposed himself to almost certain death by staying on the ground, and perished while saving the lives of wounded infantrymen.  His bravery and determination exemplify the highest professional standards and traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Air Force.

Secretary of the Air Force Whitten Peters presents Medal of Honor to Bill Pitsenbargers parents

USAF Photo

USAF Photo

Memorial at USAF Pararescue School

1966 Vietnam HH-43 crews
Pitsenbarger is front row  left side
1966 MOH Submission Airman Magazine March 2001 Article
The Story of the Mission He Was Awarded the MoH Air Force Magazine 2001 Article
1966 Supporting Documents MOH Submission Airman's Museum Air Force Cross Monograph
Certification of Death 13 April 1966 News Article & Excerpts from Mud Soldiers
16th Infantry Newsletter 2013 re: Pitsenbarger Synopsis of Movie About Bill Pitsenbarger
Note: This link will move you off this site to Wikipedia


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