Last Update: Thursday, February 20, 2025
Hosted by USAF PJ Association


“It is my duty, as a member of the Air Rescue Service,
to save life and to aid the injured.
I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned
duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties
before personal desires and comforts.
These things I do that others may live.”


Site Mission:
Provide Pararescue History


Commendation Medal Recipients


  The Commendation Medal was authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force on March 28, 1958, for award to members of the armed forces of the United States who, while serving in any capacity with the Air Force after March 24, 1958, shall have distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement and service. The degree of merit must be distinctive, though it need not be unique. Acts of courage which do not involve the voluntary risk of life required for the Soldier's Medal (or the Airman's Medal now authorized for the Air Force) may be considered for the Air Force Commendation Medal. Additional awards of the same type medal are denoted by oak leaf clusters.


The citations that accompany the below awards provide the reader with an understanding of the types of missions Pararescuemen conduct in non-combat environments and the risks involved in prosecuting these missions.

The below list has a few of Pararescue recipients but many are missing . In addition to the verified names on this site, we are trying to identify others. The below list is of verified  awardees. If you click on their name, you will view a copy of the narrative of their award. If you know of any other PJs awarded the Commendation Medal, contact me at

The same is true if you have newspaper articles or other published media concerning an individuals award.

Recipients name is followed by the date of the SAR mission and the location where it happened. Most names are hyperlinked to the citation for the award or a news article concerning the award.

Dana M. Beach, 26 April 1983, Gulf of Mexico
John F. Cassidy, 30 November 1978, Alaska
John F. Cassidy, 3 December 1978, Alaska
John Cassidy, 28 July 79, Alaska
John F. Cassidy, 22 March 1982, California  News Article
Clegie Chambers, 8-11 March 1972, Caroline Islands
Clegie Chambers, 30 August 1974, Korea
Clegie Chambers, 6-9 December 1976, Gulf of Mexico
Eric L. Gregory, 9 November 1970, Pacific Ocean
Eric L. Gregory, 31 March 1971, Pacific Ocean
Ricky D. Hindman, 9 December 1976, Florida
Ricky D. Hindman, 18 February 1979, Pacific Ocean
Ricky D. Hindman, 29 February 1980, Hawaii
Robert L. LaPointe, 5 July 1975, Alaska
Robert L. LaPointe, 28 May 1976, Mt. McKinley, Alaska
Robert L. LaPointe, 24 August 1979, Alaska
Robert L. LaPointe, 18 May 1980, Korea
Robert L. LaPointe, 11 August 1981, Korea
Robert L. LaPointe, 27 June 1991, Philippines
Garry D. Lewry, 20-29 November 1978, Guyana   Magazine Article
Garry D. Lewry, 11 September 1980, Korea
Robert S. Loud, 16-18 May 1971, Pacific Ocean
Thomas A. Newman, 11-12 August 1967, Pacific Ocean
John T. Richardson, 16-18 May 1971, Pacific Ocean
John T. Richardson, 24 October 1978, Pacific Ocean
John T. Richardson, 22 August 1979, Pacific Ocean
John T. Richardson, 25-26 August 1988, Colorado
Charles W. Walls, 3 October 1977, Utah
Charles W. Walls, 27 August 1982, France
Daniel C. Warren, 8 February 2010, Afghanistan    Article    Video
Terry M. Wells, 16-18 May 1971, Pacific Ocean


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