Hosted by USAF Pararescue Association
Last Update: Sunday, March 09, 2025


“It is my duty, as a member of the Air Rescue Service,
to save life and to aid the injured.
I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned
duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties
before personal desires and comforts.
These things I do that others may live.”





Site Mission:
Provide Pararescue History


Bronze Star




Bronze Star


The Bronze Star is authorized by Executive Order No. 9419 on Feb. 4, 1944. It is awarded to a person in any branch of the military service who, while serving in any capacity with the armed forces of the United States on or after Dec. 7, 1941, shall have distinguished himself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service, not involving participation in aerial flight, in connection with ground military operations against an armed enemy. T

The award recognizes acts of heroism performed in ground combat if they are of lesser degree than that required for the Silver Star. It also recognizes single acts of merit and meritorious service if the achievement or service is of a lesser degree than that deemed worthy of the Legion of Merit; but such service must have been accomplished with distinction. When awarded for heroism, the Bronze Star Medal is annotated by a bronze "V" device (to designate valor).  Only one "V" device will be worn on the medal or ribbon regardless of the number of times awarded.

The below list has a few of Pararescue recipients but many are missing . In addition to the verified names on this site, we are trying to identify others. The below list is of verified  awardees. If you click on their name, you will view a copy of the narrative of their award. If you know of any other PJs awarded the Bronze Star, contact me at


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Recipients name is followed by the date of the SAR mission and the location where it happened. Most names are hyperlinked to the citation for the award or a news article concerning the award.

Paul Barendregt, 14-15 September 2012, Afghanistan
Christopher G. Bowerfind, 3 November 2003, Afghanistan   Narrative not available    Article
John W. Brown, 27 February to 28 June 2010, Afghanistan
John W. Brown, 1 July 2010 to 6 August 2011, Afghanistan
Benjamin Brudnicki, May 3-4 2019, Afghanistan
Aaron M. Butler, 29 July 2009, Afghanistan
Douglas A. Dicken, 9 June 2010, Afghanistan
Adam Fagan, March 24-25 2019, Afghanistan
Luis Garcia, 12 July 2010, Afghanistan
Jeremy S. Hardy, 2 May 1999, Serbia
Matthew S. Komatsu, 14-15 September 2012, Afghanistan
Kyle T. Minshew, 14-15 September 2012, Afghanistan
Andrew J. Nichols, 14-15 September 2012, Afghanistan
Daniel L. Zerbe, 31 October 2008, Afghanistan       Article  
Daniel L. Zerbe, 4 August 2011, Afghanistan     Article


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