The President of the United States of America,
authorized by Title 10, Section 8742, United States Code,
awards the Air Force Cross to Airman First Class Joel E.
Talley for extraordinary heroism in military operations
against an opposing armed force as a Pararescueman on a
HH-3E Rescue Helicopter in Southeast Asia on 2 July 1968. On
that date, Airman Talley volunteered to be lowered to the
ground from a hovering helicopter into the jungle of North
Vietnam to rescue an injured pilot, who had ejected the
previous day. The downed pilot had parachuted into a
concentration of North Vietnamese Army regulars who
immediately surrounded him and set up gun positions to trap
the forthcoming rescue helicopters. Four rescue attempts
were driven off, and a supporting fighter aircraft was shot
down by devastating ground fire, which encircled the
survivor's position. Despite full knowledge of the well-laid
trap, Airman Talley voluntarily descended to search the
jungle floor. After an extensive search he found the
helpless survivor, carried him to the rescue device, and
signaled the helicopter to commence extraction. While Airman
Talley and the survivor were being hoisted, a fusillade of
fire raked the helicopter scoring more than forty hits,
forcing the helicopter to exit the area, exposing both
airmen to hostile fire. The rescue was successfully
accomplished. Through his extraordinary heroism, superb
airmanship, and aggressiveness in the face of the enemy,
Airman Talley reflected the highest credit upon himself and
the United States Air Force.