The President of the United States of America,
authorized by Title 10, Section 8742, United States Code,
awards the Air Force Cross to Technical Sergeant Donald G.
Smith for extraordinary heroism in military operations
against an opposing armed force as a Pararescueman on a
HH-3E Rescue Helicopter in Southeast Asia on 24 October
1969. On that date, Sergeant Smith voluntarily descended to
the surface on a forest penetrator to assist a downed pilot.
As he and the pilot were being raised, hostile fire rendered
the hoist inoperative and the cable was sheared, dropping
them fifteen feet to the ground. Sergeant Smith's position
was surrounded by hostile forces, and his helicopter was
downed by hostile fire. Remaining exceptionally calm, his
resolute and decisive presence encouraged the other
survivors, while his resourcefulness in controlling and
directing the aircraft providing suppressive fire, resulted
in the safe recovery of all downed personnel. Through his
extraordinary heroism, superb airmanship, and aggressiveness
in the face of the enemy, Sergeant Smith reflected the
highest credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.